The Islands of Atlantis

By Anne Jobbe Hall

The Islands of Atlantis Series

Inspired by Edgar Cayce’s past life readings, this series of novels describes the spiritual journey of a young woman before the final destruction of Atlantis. Humans have asked questions about the nature of Being for time beyond memory. How a person answers those questions determines their worldview and, to a large extent, how they choose to live. This story attempts to understand the choices made then and now.

Al-Ya from Book One, Atlantis: The Isle of Horses.  

This book explores the Atlantean culture, the Law of One, and the metaphysics of Being.

 Philosophical Inspiration

Edgar Cayce

“…to find only ye have lived, died and were buried … does not make thee one whit better neighbor, citizen, mother or father! But to know that ye spoke unkindly and suffered for it, and in the present may correct it by being righteous – THAT is worthwhile. What is righteousness? Just being kind, just being noble, just being self-sacrificing; just being willing to be hands for the blind, the feet for the lame -these are constructive experiences.”

Edgar Cayce reading 5753-2
A.R.E. Blog Articles

Members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment study the life readings of Edgar Cayce for advice on good health and spiritual development. The website offers access to the full text of Cayce’s readings as well as expository articles by A.R.E. staff and contributors. This link will take you to the website and to my blog articles about the readings.

The Islands of Atlantis Series So Far

Book One, Atlantis: The Isle of Horses, explores the Atlantean culture, the Law of One, and the metaphysics of Being.

 Book Two, Atlantis: Hesperia, asks what it means to be human in a world that includes artificial intelligence.

Book Three, Atlantis: The Isle of Metals, addresses the consequences of energy-producing technology that destroys the natural world.

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